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Global Leader Group

Experienced Business PractiTIoners in the UK And Europe

Our partners have extensive experience working in the United Kingdom and Europe, helping businesses like yours succeed.
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The Global Leader Difference

Strong organizations require strong leaders. We work to understand an organization, present how it can excel through a strategic approach to leadership, and then work to make that strategy a reality.

Global Leader Group EMEA

Global Leader Group EMEA represents the geographies of Europe, including the UK, Middle East and Africa. The growing demand of our international clients in the region has driven our expansion from our US foundation to provide local support and expertise. We are a Firm of authentic relationship led practitioners, who have been leaders and specialists in their respective industries with some of the largest and most complex global organizations.

Our Team

Richard Knight

EMEA Co-Founder & Managing Partner

Dr. Perry Ho

Sr. Consultant

Nikki Boore

Senior Partner

Jonathan Grocock

Senior Partner

Georgie Kew

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