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Mind Management & EQ Coaching

Mind Management & EQ Coaching

Mind Management & EQ Coaching is the process to help leaders live a deliberate life, to choose what you’re thinking, feeling, and doing on purpose.

Emotional intelligence, or what we prefer to call Emotional Quotient or “EQ”, is the strongest predictor of job performance, so we help you improve it.

EQ is all about managing your own emotions and reading the emotions of others, so you show up more deliberately. You use EQ all the time in every one of your relationships, from the board room to the family room.

In addition to managing your emotions, managing your mind (and the thoughts within it) is the most important thing you will ever do to create your desired results.

How it works

The coach you’ll be paired up with has the latest, laser-like tools and cutting-edge training to manage thoughts, emotions, actions and therefore results. They’ll help you apply a simple model and process that’s easy to learn and inspiring to apply immediately.

During your coaching sessions, you can bring the coach any topic and they will be your guide to seeing your brain, understanding your emotions, taking action, and getting the results you want. 

For those wanting to remain completely confidential, you can even join the session without turning on video or mentioning names and company details.  The coaching session is yours and is done through an online video call.


Who needs a Mind Management & EQ Coach? 


A great coach is like a smartphone, you may not have realized you needed it, but once you have it, you can’t imagine your life without it.

Great leaders are able to first manage their own mind and emotions to better lead yourself to results you want, including higher performance and health in your personal and professional life. 


What are common topics covered? 

Any problem you’re struggling with or goal you’re striving to reach – whether at work or in your personal life.

  • Improving relationships with a spouse, boss, family or team member
  • Moving from stressed out and procrastinating to confident, committed and energized
  • Losing weight for good (yes, we have coaches specializing in weight-loss)
  • Stop unwanted habits like over-drinking, over-working, over-eating
  • You just want to feel better
  • Getting unstuck
  • Increasing the revenue of your business
  • Achieving a goal: run a marathon, write a book, get a new job, and more

More detailed examples:

  • Felicia lives most of her life stressed out and overwhelmed. When she’s feeling especially stressed, she finds ways of distracting or avoiding feeling that way.  Her go-to emotional escapes are that she over-eats and can't seem to permanently lose the weight, or  over-instagrams by spending hours scrolling through social media, and recently took some of the edge off by over-drinking.  One glass of wine to calm her down after a long day is turning into more and more.  She wants to stop, or at least wants to want to stop, but doesn't know how. 
  • Steve is very successful to the outside world.  He has a great job, great wife, great family life, and every reason to feel great.  But, he still has a deep dissatisfaction and feels less fulfilled with his life.  At times, he feels numb or stuck, and then gets more frustrated and spirals deeper into negativity because he's dissatisfied that he's dissatisfied, and yet can't find the reason why he feels that way so he can get out of it.
  • Sarah wants to become more confident in how she shows up to herself and for others.  She wants to find the balance of pushing herself, but also being kind to herself.  She struggles not feeling like she's enough.
  • Anika wants to stop getting so frustrated with her mother-in-law and have a relationship she can enjoy. So many family outings have been ending in screaming matches and tears.
  • Rebecca was once very happy and still has moments of a great life, but the reality of her marriage and the day-to-day life with the kids is not the happily ever after she imagined.  "Is this really what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life?" she wonders. She simply wants to feel better, to wake up more inspired and even excited to live another day. On top of that, she’s now expected to uproot her entire family to a new place. Homesickness, relocation resentment in her relationship with her husband, and culture identity crisis are all contributing to more stress and she feels completely overwhelmed.  She wants help leading herself and her family through the relocation. 
  • Dave wouldn’t admit it, but he’s sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. He wants to stop yelling at the kids or losing his temper with his wife. He took a new job in hopes that making more money would solve the problems, but still feels the crushing financial pressures when there is more month than money.
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